We’ve heard all sorts of things while growing up. Be it ‘coz traditional schools of thought or religious in nature, some of these health myths have been passed on and taken at face value. While some of them are true, a lot of the others are just exaggerated. Here are some of those myths unveiled.
1. Underarm Deo Sprays Cause Cancer
It is said that the chemicals in deo sprays are absorbed by the armpits. But that does not really cause tumours or any kind of cancer like the myth suggests.
2. Cracking Knuckles Causes Arthritis
This does not cause arthritis. The sounds from cracking any joints are due to air bubbles that pop. This has nothing to do with any bone disease.
3. The 5-Second Rule
If some food item falls down, it definitely will catch germs and other dust within 5 seconds.
4. An Apple A Day
Even though an apple is a healthy fruit and is loaded with fibre, it is not the only thing that could keep you from falling sick. So, it definitely does not mean that you don’t need a doctor if you eat one apple every day.
5. If You Swallow Gum, It Takes 7 Years To Get Out It Of Your System
This is a myth because gum can be digested like any other food item in your body. And does not take 7 years for sure like the myth suggests.
6. Swimming Immediately After Eating Causes Cramps
Surely it is uncomfortable to swim immediately after eating. It’s not necessary that you may get cramps because you didn’t wait to swim after a meal. Our body has enough blood to digest food and wouldn’t really result in cramps because you ‘didn’t wait’.
7. Brown Sugar Is Less Fattening Than White Sugar
While brown sugar is technically healthier because it contains more nutrients than white sugar, they both still contain the same amount of calories.
8. The 8-Glasses-Of-Water Theory
We’ve heard that you must consume 8 glasses of water every day. While water is important to drink and everyone must stay hydrated, it is not necessary to drink exactly 8 glasses. In fact, it all depends from body to body. A person might need more or less than 8 glasses.
9. Woman Should Not Exercise During Their Period
While it is said that woman must rest during their period, in reality, a woman can do light exercises or go for a walk if they really want to. There is no harm is caused if you do.
We’re sure most of these myths have enlightened you with the truth and now, you could spread the word and gloat about knowing all of these facts.
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