Jacqueline, “I am not using it for weight loss, but for toning my body, muscle building and strength.”
Ever wondered what it takes the stunning Jacqueline Fernandez to maintain that hot bod? It’s the old favourite, yoga – and she ritually practices it five times a week.

According to those close to her, Jackie’s workout regime starts with a light warm-up and about twenty rounds of suryanamaskar. She also includes other asanas like vrikshasana, utkatasana, poorna halasana, kapalbhati kriya and anulom vilom in her regime.

And if that’s not enough, the actress also believes in a simple yet healthy diet. We hear that Jacqueline swears by fresh fruits, salads and green tea. She begins her day by drinking warm water with lime and honey, eating fruits and having a boiled or scrambled egg. Then, her lunch consists of leafy salads, lentils and brown rice while dinner consists of grilled fish and veggies.
The only thing Jacqueline totally avoids is sugar. However, she does indulge her sweet tooth only once in a while.
So if you want to look at sexy and svelte at Jacqueline, you now have her very own secrets to looking fab and fit.