Most of us probably feel like the pandemic has been one really long bad day. Correct me if I’m wrong but the current situation been tough on all of us. However, as humans hope is what we cling to most to get us through the bad times. But the power to climb out of a dark hole is in one’s hand. You get to decide how you want your day to end even if it starts on a bad note. I know it feels like things won’t get better but even the darkest day will have a lesson that will help you in the future. The trick in this particular situation is to acknowledge the negative thoughts and feelings and then simply move on from them. Because tomorrow is a new day and a new day ushers in new opportunities.
Here are 10 reminders that can help you work through the negativity of a bad day:
1) Every thought that crosses our mind isn’t true.

2) Change is the only constant and nothing stays the same.

3) The only way to come out the other side is to live through it.

4) Feelings are not facts, but all your feelings are valid and allowed.

5) Not everyone will like you and you can’t be everything to everyone.

6) Be compassionate to yourself, trust in your resilience and inner voice.

7) Focus on only the things you can control and let go of the rest.

8) Your worth is not determined by your circumstances, you will always be enough.

9) You are not alone and it is okay to ask for help and be vulnerable.

10) A bad day is not equivalent to a bad life.

What are some of the reminders that help you sail through a bad day? Let me know in the comments below.
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