Every year, the third Monday of January is labelled as ‘Blue Monday’. The conjecture goes that this is the time of the year when it is cold, we are relatively broke from the holiday season and new year resolutions to get on to a better lifestyle have all fallen by the wayside. Well, let me set the record straight: the concept of ‘Blue Monday’ is all pseudoscience. This concept was proposed by a psychologist named Cliff Arnall, who was asked to do so by a travel firm called Sky Travel. It was a PR stunt to promote winter deals, which was later confessed by Cliff. But ‘Blue Monday’ hasn’t disappeared just yet. We are all aware of the term Monday Blues, as well as the fact that January feels like the longest month for most of us. So, to add a different colour to your Monday, I have curated a list of things you can do to make those blues go away!
1. Blue Monday Is Pseudoscience
Remember that you are in control and ‘Blue Monday’ is a day determined by a PR firm. There is no hard and fast research to prove its legitimacy and apparently travel companies use this to flog summer getaways deals! So chill out already.

2. Exercise
Exercise releases endorphins and can help uplift your mood. It relieves tension and stress, boosts mental and physical energy. So, take your running shoes out, hit the gym and channel your inner zen!

3. Watch A Feel-Good Movie
Sometimes, you not only need a movie to lift up your spirits but you need one specific movie! And keeping that in mind, I have humbly made a very short and sweet list of my absolute favourites:
- Yes Man
- Forrest Gump
- School Of Rock
- Up
- Love Actually
- Matilda

4. Go For A Walk
Psychologically, sunshine makes us feel more relaxed and helps regulate serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin plays an important part in the regulation of learning, mood and sleep. While melatonin regulates sleep pattern. So, go ahead and soak it up!

5. Indulge In A Little Self-Care
Self-care is underrated. An effective and efficient skincare routine is a therapeutic process that helps you feel the best. (For me its meditation as well!). Finish your skin-care routine with a hydrating face mask and a bowl of pasta (cuz, why note?).

Shoo away those Monday Blues with these life-saving tips! Let me know in the comments below which was your favourite.
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