No one has yet to crack the code of life, but it seems we all become wiser with age. While you strive to live your life fearlessly, we also want you to be far away from any regret. TBH among all the things, our skin is generally the least of our priorities. While catching up with friends, late night parties and random travel trips, we end up taking our skin for granted. But if you start adopting these habits now, you’re not-so-20-something will thank you!
1. Experiment with beauty trends.
Trying out all the upcoming trends no matter how daring they might be, is what your ’20s are for! From metallic lips, to rainbow hair, to bubble manicure, the world is your oyster!

2. Find your soulmate beauty regimen.
Your skin grows with you and like your body, you need to nourish it. For starters, applying an anti-aging cream regularly like Olay Total Effects Lightweight Moisturizer (which can be applied both during the day and night) helps to prevent fine lines and wrinkles down the road. The cream also works wonders on oily skin type (which is, let’s be honest, most of us!). Take Kajol for example at a recent event— She looks incredible and only started using Olay seven years ago!
“My life has changed every day over the last 25 years, from shooting about five films a year, to falling in love and getting married, to motherhood and choosing my family first. As I began to embrace the big changes in my life, I started to worry about my skin. I found myself caring about dark spots, dull and dry skin, and uneven skin tone. After a visit to my dermatologist I discovered that these were the early signs of skin aging. She recommended using Olay Total Effects anti-aging range which fights the signs of skin aging”

3. Removing makeup is the key to applying makeup.
If you’re as makeup obsessed as we are, then you need to know that removing it every night is key. There’s a reason they call it ‘beauty sleep.’ Night time is when your body’s tissue repair and regeneration occurs. It’s absolutely necessary that your skin is freed from any foreign materials that can disrupt this process.

4. Invest in good skincare products.
Often, we don’t purchase products because we think we don’t need them. The care you take of yourself today will pave the path of a prettier tomorrow. Plus, investing in good skincare products will make sure you need as less makeup products as possible. Have you seen Kajol lately? Doesn’t she look flawless after using Olay Total Effects. She started at the right time and now she looks more than fine! Must we say more?

5. Have fun in the sun but with sunscreen on!
Did you know that the morning sun from 7 am to 9 am nourishes our bodies with vitamin D? Not like we’re asking you to ditch the sunscreen (that’s always essential) but no extra need of vitamins in a bottle if you can make use of this natural beautifying agent. Like sun rays, there are natural agents all around us that can help us beautify ourselves, we just need to pay a little attention to them.

With these easy pointers you’ll have nothing to worry about. You can live your 20s being young, wild and free!
*This post is in partnership with Olay.