Alia Bhatt’s thrilling ‘Jigra’ teaser dropped yesterday, and fans are already buzzing with excitement. Among the many admirers of the trailer was Shraddha Kapoor, who couldn’t resist showing her love and support. She shared her excitement on Instagram, mentioning how she plans to watch the film with her brother, Siddhanth Kapoor, and gave a special shoutout to Alia and director Vasan Bala. In a surprising twist, Vasan Bala took this moment to not only thank Shraddha but also to apologize to her fans—and here’s why!

Earlier, when Vasan Bala congratulated the ‘Stree 2’ team on social media, he accidentally forgot to tag Shraddha Kapoor, which didn’t sit well with her dedicated fan base. The omission sparked quite a bit of backlash online. So, when Shraddha showed her appreciation for the ‘Jigra’ teaser, Vasan Bala used the opportunity to say a heartfelt “sorry” to her fans, putting the drama behind them with his note, “Bhool Chuk Maaf.”

The ‘Jigra’ teaser looked absolutely amazing, packed with thrilling moments that left me eager for more. I can’t wait to see the full movie and experience the magic Alia Bhatt and Vasan Bala have in store!