Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Kareena Kapoor Khan is back on the screen, and this time, she’s leading a gripping, emotional murder mystery that had me glued to my seat the entire time. In ‘The Buckingham Murders’, Kareena not only stars as the fierce and determined lead, but she’s also behind the scenes, producing the film alongside Ektaa Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. And let me tell you, Hansal Mehta, the director we know and love for his intense dramas, has outdone himself with this one. It’s a murder mystery that’s raw, emotional, and filled with nail-biting tension. I found myself constantly on edge, waiting to see what would unfold next!

The movie opens with a flashback that introduces us to Kareena’s character, Jasmit Bhamra, or ‘Jass,’ who’s clearly haunted by what’s going on in her life. There’s something so subtle yet powerful in how she emotes even in those quiet moments. But the tension kicks in when we see her in the courtroom, face-to-face with the killer of her own child. And let me tell you, the way she holds her rage, only to let it out in a shocking punch after the verdict—it’s such a moment of catharsis! She nails this scene perfectly, and you feel every bit of her pain and frustration.

After that intense moment, Jass decides to leave the city behind, transferring to a new place to escape the memories that are just too painful to bear. But just when she thinks she can start fresh, she’s thrust into a new case—a missing Indian child named Ishpreet. And honestly, you can see the hesitation and grief in her eyes. It’s like she’s living her nightmare all over again, and I couldn’t help but feel for her. The boss forces her to take the case, and with a heavy heart, she begins the investigation. Now, the murder mystery itself is packed with twists and turns, and I was biting my nails through it all. There were so many suspects, each with their own dark secrets, and you think you know what’s going on, but then something completely unexpected happens! I love how this film keeps you on the edge of your seat, always guessing and never fully certain about where it’s headed.

What really sets ‘The Buckingham Murders’ apart, though, is how deeply personal the case becomes for Jass. Kareena Kapoor Khan delivers a performance that’s so raw and emotional, especially in the moments where Jass is reminded of her own loss. There are these heart-wrenching flashbacks to her life before her child’s death, and they’ll honestly give you goosebumps. You can feel her grief and determination to provide justice for Ishpreet’s family, even though it’s clearly tearing her apart. And the way she solves the case? It’s nothing short of phenomenal. Even though she tried to distance herself from the pain, she couldn’t walk away when it came to seeking justice for another grieving family. That’s the real emotional punch of the film—Jass’s resolve to keep going, even after everything she’s been through.

Yes, the pacing of the movie might feel a bit rushed at times, especially in the second half when the clues start coming together faster than you can keep track of. But honestly, that didn’t take away from the intensity or emotional depth. If anything, it made the investigation feel more urgent, as if time was running out. Kareena’s portrayal of a mother who’s lost everything is just so realistic, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her performance even after the film ended. She gives us a strong, layered character who’s battling her own demons while trying to bring closure to a case that’s hitting way too close to home.

All in all, ‘The Buckingham Murders’ is a must-watch if you’re into thrilling murder mysteries that don’t just shock you with plot twists but also tug at your heartstrings. The emotional depth, combined with the suspense, makes this movie stand out from other crime dramas. And with Hansal Mehta’s direction, you know you’re in for a well-crafted story that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️