On the anniversary of ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’, Bhumi Pednekar reminisces about her role alongside Akshay Kumar in this transformative film. Released in 2017 and directed by Shree Narayan Singh, the movie not only entertained but also addressed critical issues of sanitation in rural India. Pednekar’s portrayal of a resolute woman advocating for a toilet in her home struck a chord with audiences, amplifying its message about the importance of basic sanitation.

In her reflection on the film’s anniversary, Pednekar shared…

Looking back, I am incredibly proud of ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’. It wasn’t just a film; it was a movement. We aimed to challenge societal norms and encourage real change. The fact that the film continued to inspire discussions about sanitation and the importance of clean toilets in every household reaffirms the power of cinema to effect social change.

‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ remains notable not only for its engaging narrative but also for its significant impact on societal issues. As we celebrate the anniversary of this landmark film, its legacy of humor and drama continues to foster important conversations about sanitation and social justice in India.