Tusshar Kapoor and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary were seen busy promoting their new show on Jio Cinema recently. During an exclusive interview with MissMalini, Tusshar was asked about the possibility of entering the Bigg Boss house, to which he reacted with a mix of humor and hesitation.

In this interview, when questioned if he would ever join Bigg Boss as a contestant, Tusshar candidly responded, “Shamta nahi hai.” He went on to explain that, as an introvert, he finds it challenging to spend months in such a setting, even though his competitive spirit tempts him. He expressed his need for personal space, mentioning that he couldn’t share a washroom or continuously be around people without a break. Tusshar concluded with a lighthearted remark, saying, “Chalo, if destiny takes me there—which I hope it doesn’t!”

For more fun revelations and behind-the-scenes moments, head over to the full interview on YouTube. Don’t miss out on all the candid confessions!