Bhagyashree made her unforgettable debut alongside Salman Khan in ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, a film that became iconic in Bollywood history. Recently, in an exclusive interview with MissMalini, she shared a behind-the-scenes moment from the sets that fans might not have known. She revealed that during the filming, she actually fainted, and Salman Khan’s reaction was nothing short of sweet and caring, adding a layer of charm to their on-screen chemistry.

In the interview with Shravan Shah, Bhagyashree shared a funny BTS moment from the sets. She revealed that she was on the sets of ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ with a fever, but being the dedicated actor she is, she took her medicine, sipped some Electrol, and got ready to shoot. However, in a dramatic turn, she ended up fainting right there! Salman Khan, in true hero fashion, quickly picked her up and made sure she was okay. This lighthearted story shows just how much effort she put in, even when things got a little too real on set!

In this interview, Bhagyashree revealed some fun behind-the-scenes instances that you definitely don’t want to miss. Plus, with ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ releasing again, it’s the perfect time for a must rewatch in theatres!