Shah Rukh Khan’s open arms pose is nothing short of legendary. It’s the kind of pose that makes you want to stretch your arms wide and feel the world’s love pouring in, just like he does on screen. Let’s be honest, who hasn’t tried to mimic that iconic pose at least once in their life? It’s almost like a rite of passage for any Bollywood fan! But here’s the twist—Shah Rukh Khan recently revealed the backstory behind this famous gesture, and trust me, it’s not what you’d expect.
During an appearance at the Locarno Film Festival, Shah Rukh Khan shared a hilarious and insightful story about how the pose came to be. The choreographer was none other than the legendary Saroj Khan. After several failed attempts and a night of intense practice, Shah Rukh was finally ready to nail the step. But when he proudly showed Saroj ji his progress the next day, she surprised him by saying, “No, no, we don’t need it, it doesn’t look nice on you.” Instead, she told him to just stand there and put his arms out. And just like that, the magic was born! Shah Rukh even started suggesting the arm-out pose on other sets when he found the choreography tricky, and over time, it became his signature move.
Shah Rukh Khan admits he’s been fooling us all these years! “There is nothing, it is just arms out,” he jokingly said. This revelation is both surprising and delightful—who would’ve thought that such a legendary pose emerged from a simple workaround? But honestly, knowing the story behind it makes the pose even more special.