When Karan Johar announced his new film featuring Salman Khan and Kartik Aaryan, the excitement was palpable. Fans were thrilled at the prospect of seeing this unique pairing on-screen, anticipating a film filled with drama, action, and Johar’s signature style. However, the buzz turned into a pause, and everyone was left wondering what happened.

According to Bollywood Hungama, the film hit a snag due to creative differences and scheduling conflicts. Karan Johar, known for his meticulous attention to detail, faced challenges in aligning the actors’ schedules and perfecting the film’s vision. This led to a temporary halt in production, giving everyone time to reassess and plan better.

Despite this delay, there’s still hope and excitement for this project. Fans eagerly await the day when Salman Khan and Kartik Aaryan finally share the screen under Johar’s direction. We all believe that when it eventually comes together, it will be a cinematic treat worth the wait, blending Johar’s storytelling magic with the star power of Khan and Aaryan.