Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s three-day mega pre-wedding extravaganza showcased a unique and stylish flair from several Bollywood stars. The festivities were undoubtedly one of the highlights of the year. Although the pre-wedding celebrations concluded on Sunday, the buzz continues as videos and photos from Jamnagar flood social media platforms. Among them is a video capturing Salman Khan getting lifted by bodyguard Shera and it’s just iconic!
In the hilarious video, Anant Ambani’s attempt to lift Salman Khan is so iconic, especially when Akon’s music adds to the lively atmosphere in the background. Despite Anant’s efforts, he struggles to lift the actor, leading to a comical moment shared between them. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, Salman’s bodyguard Shera swoops in effortlessly, lifting the actor with ease. Witnessing this feat, Anant’s excitement knows no bounds as he joins Salman and Shera in a celebratory dance, turning the moment into an unforgettable highlight of the evening’s festivities.
The video of Anant Ambani attempting to lift Salman Khan, only to be assisted by Shera, is truly iconic and filled with adorable moments.