Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Ramayana’ promises to be an epic rendition with a stellar ensemble cast. With Sai Pallavi as Sita, Yash as Ravana, and Sunny Deol as Lord Hanuman, the lineup is indeed formidable. Lara Dutta’s addition as Kaikeyi adds another layer of intrigue, and talks with Vijay Sethupathi for Vibhishana show a commitment to depth in character portrayal. Now, with Rakul Preet Singh potentially joining, the anticipation for this adaptation only grows.
According to a report by Pinkvilla, it seems like the casting process for the epic Ramayana is on fire, with the latest buzz being Rakul Preet Singh possibly stepping into the shoes of Shurpanakha. Nitesh Tiwari and his team are deep in discussions with the actress for this pivotal role. Apparently, Rakul has already undergone some intense look tests for the character, and if all goes well, she will join the team soon and begin shooting.
Rakul Preet Singh’s potential involvement in the Ramayana adaptation adds an extra layer of excitement to an already highly anticipated project and I can’t wait to know more!