Bollywood actor Imran Khan recently shared a delightful anecdote during an interview with Vogue India, shedding light on a humorous incident that unfolded while he was strolling down the streets of London. The incident not only showcases Khan’s humility but also provides a glimpse into his journey of self-improvement and the profound influence of his daughter, Imara. As Khan leisurely walked through the bustling streets of London, he noticed a person struggling with parallel parking. Without hesitation, Khan, known for his affable nature, decided to lend a helping hand.
Without hesitation, Khan, known for his affable nature, decided to lend a helping hand. Approaching the scene, he graciously accepted the keys from the flustered driver and began maneuvering the vehicle with ease and finesse. Meanwhile, to Khan’s surprise, another individual emerged from the passenger seat, observing his act of kindness. Upon successfully parking the car, the passenger, evidently relieved, exclaimed her gratitude, “Thank you…Thank you…. are you?” Khan, maintaining his composure, simply replied with a modest “Yes.” However, as the realization dawned upon the passenger, she couldn’t contain her astonishment, exclaiming, “Oh my God, Oh my God, it’s you!” The encounter, initially rooted in a mundane act of assistance, quickly transformed into a lighthearted moment of recognition for the Bollywood star.
The internet has been going gaga over his latest interview!
In his conversation with Vogue India, Khan not only shared this amusing incident but also delved into his personal journey of self-improvement. He highlighted the pivotal role his daughter, Imara, played in motivating him to strive for continuous growth and development.