Alia Bhatt has set the stage ablaze with the announcement of her upcoming film, ‘Jigra,’ in collaboration with director Vasan Bala. Alia is also wielding the producer’s baton, co-producing the project with the renowned Karan Johar‘s Dharma Productions. Adding a riveting twist to this blockbuster narrative, the latest whispers reveal the inclusion of the versatile Sobhita Dhulipala in a key role!
Fueling the excitement, speculations about Sobhita Dhulipala’s involvement in Alia Bhatt’s ‘Jigra‘ gained momentum when eagle-eyed netizens noticed Alia recently following Sobhita on Instagram. The rumor mill further churned out a post on the microblogging site X, suggesting Sobhita’s role in the film. While details remain tantalizingly under wraps, the prospect of witnessing these two acting powerhouses collaborate is already sparking anticipation. With whispers suggesting even Vedang Raina might be part of the project, the undisclosed roles are shrouded in mystery, adding an extra layer of allure to this upcoming cinematic spectacle.
While details remain unconfirmed, the tantalizing prospect of these two formidable talents sharing the screen is keeping fans on the edge of their seats!