In a cinematic extravaganza that has sent shockwaves through Bollywood, the much-anticipated film ‘Tiger 3’ has managed to pull off a casting coup by featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan in action-packed cameo roles alongside Salman Khan. The collaboration of these three iconic actors has ignited a frenzy of excitement among fans, who eagerly await the film’s release.
The entry of Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan into the ‘Tiger’ franchise has added an extra layer of star power to an already highly successful series. While Salman Khan has been synonymous with the ‘Tiger’ films, the inclusion of Shah Rukh and Hrithik has raised the stakes, promising an unforgettable cinematic experience. Shahrukh’s cameo as ‘Pathaan’ had fans talking and how, his cameo had been long awaited and their upcoming film Tiger Vs Pathaan is in the works. Hrithik’s cameo also set up the plot for Ayan Mukerji’s ‘War 2’, as Kabir which made it even more exciting for fans all over!
The film promises not only adrenaline-pumping action but also a rare opportunity to witness the magic that happens when three Bollywood titans share the screen. So what are you waiting for? Go catch it at a cinema near you!