Shah Rukh Khan, the iconic actor is all geared up for his release of ‘Jawan’ which will be released on 7th September, 2023. King Khan also has a drama comedy movie ‘Dunki’ lined up for the end of this year, he is cast alongside Taapsee Pannu and Boman Irani. During a recent shoot for a film Shah Rukh Khan reportedly hurt his nose and was rushed to the hospital.
According to a report from Etimes, “SRK was shooting for a project in Los Angeles and he ended up hurting his nose. He began bleeding and was immediately rushed to the hospital. His team was informed by the doctor that there was nothing to worry about and King Khan would need to undergo minor surgery to stop the bleeding. Post the operation, SRK was spotted with a bandage on his nose.” Etimes also added that the actor is back in the country and recovering at home.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan Starrer Jawan Locks Two Dates For Teaser Release
Wishing the actor a speedy recovery and good health. Hoping to see Shah Rukh Khan back in action extremely soon as the actor has exciting upcoming action-packed releases this year. His film ‘Jawan’ will also have a trailer soon.