The Transformers movie series follows the age-old battle between the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Set on Earth, the films revolve around the search for powerful artifacts and the struggle to protect humanity. As the war escalates, humans like Sam Witwicky and Cade Yeager find themselves caught in the crossfire, forming alliances with the Autobots to thwart the Decepticons’ destructive plans. With thrilling action, epic battles, and a blend of sci-fi and adventure, the series showcases the enduring conflict between these sentient alien robots. This movie series is extremely indulging if you are interested in something fictional and a distraction from your everyday life. The first trailer of Transformers 7 was already released and now take a look at the final trailer of Transformers: Rise Of Beasts-
From the trailer of the new film which is the seventh installment of the movie series, I observed that it revolves around the benevolent Autobots, stranded on Earth and led by Optimus Prime played by Peter Cullen, sending their new human friend Noah played by Anthony Ramos to retrieve it after an aspiring archaeologist Elena played by Dominique Fishback accidentally discovers half of the key hidden in an ancient Incan bird statue and triggers the beacon. They are set for their biggest mission to date to save the planet when a new threat capable enough of destroying the planet emerges, all of them must team up with an extremely powerful faction of Transformers known as the Maximals to save the planet Earth.
As a big fan of fictional movies especially The Transformers, I am really looking forward to watch this seventh installment of the movie series and seeing what the film is all about and how they overcome problems in order to save the earth.