Shah Rukh Khan’s Ask SRK Sessions on Twitter have always been the talk of the internet with some of the most wittiest and humorous replies. Last night on the occasion of completing 31 years in the industry, we took to Twitter to hold an Ask SRK and the fans really came through with their questions! From naming babies to keeping bad habits to yourself, here’s everything the fans asked the King of Bollywood and here’s all that he said.

Here’s what he said when someone asked him to smoke with them

And of course, there were questions about Jawan

He also leaked his secret to success over the last 31 years

The most hilarious one has to be the one where a fan told him that they are going to name their children by his film’s names

A lot more happened, as Shahrukh did 31 minutes of #AskSRK to celebrate his 31 years in the industry. Hoping to see many more such years of him on the big screen, because what is Bollywood without its King?