Priyanka Chopra is currently enjoying great success with several exciting projects in her pipeline. She was last seen in the thriller series, Citadel, which is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. After taking a short break, Priyanka Chopra has now commenced filming for her upcoming movie, Heads of State. This action-packed thriller, produced by Amazon Studios, is currently being shot in London.

Following the completion of the initial filming schedule of Heads of State, Priyanka Chopra took a brief hiatus to spend quality time with her family. She has now resumed shooting for the action-packed thriller, as confirmed through her recent Instagram posts. The renowned actress shared a captivating selfie on her social media, capturing her heading to the set. Priyanka Chopra delighted her fans by giving them a peek into her life on set. She shared a special photo that showed her dressed in an olive jacket and black top, she posed in front of the mirror in her makeup room. It looks like Priyanka is all set to film this upcoming action movie. Seeing Priyanka back on set is extremely exciting and fans cannot keep calm

I am eagerly waiting for more updates on this film starring John Cena as well. I cannot wait to see what more this upcoming action-packed film has for us especially after this sneak-peek