The action-packed MCU series Secret Invasion’s incorporation of artificial intelligence in the upcoming Marvel superhero series has caused distress and frustration within the entertainment industry. Marvel has faced criticism from fans who argue that their use of AI in “Secret Invasion” leads to job displacement for humans.

The film industry has witnessed various time-consuming processes being accelerated with the progress of technology and AI, and art and animation are among the latest beneficiaries. Ali Selim, the director and executive producer of “Secret Invasion,” expressed admiration for the work carried out by Method Studios, stating that it felt innovative, unavoidable, thrilling, and distinctive. The director disclosed recently that the Disney+ show, which revolves around shape-shifting aliens in a suspenseful spy thriller and features Samuel L. Jackson, employed both AI technology and human artists to create its opening credits.

Read on: Secret Invasion Episode 1 Review

The use of AI spooks several people like actors, writers, etc because they feel that AI will soon replace humans and will eventually lead to them losing their jobs.

Check out the trailer of Marvel’s Secret Invasion here.