The show ‘Wednesday’ has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the highest-viewed English show, surpassing the dominance of Season 4 of ‘Stranger Things’, which had held the top position in viewership charts since its launch in 2022.

According to Koi Moi, this development signifies significant changes in the rankings, with ‘Wednesday’now taking over as the most popular English-language series in history, surpassing the viewership of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4. This is a noteworthy development because ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4 had a considerably long runtime of 13 hours, giving it a significant advantage. It would have been challenging for any other series, for  ‘Wednesday’, to surpass its viewership numbers. The longer duration of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4 made it harder for shorter series like ‘Wednesday’ to compete and achieve higher viewership. Netflix Productions has recently changed its method of measuring viewership, opting to report the number of people who have watched a movie or series based on the views generated. This new approach involves calculating the average hours viewed divided by the total runtime of the content. Additionally, the measurement window has been extended from 30 to 91 days, allowing newly released titles more time to gain traction. 

It is extremely great to see the show do so exceptionally well and reach a significant milestone by becoming the highest-viewed English show on Netflix.