Veteran actress Sulochana Latkar, who was seen as the ideal onscreen mother, passed away at the age of 94. The actress was suffering from a prolonged illness and breathed her last in a hospital in Mumbai. The actor was admitted to a private hospital in Dadar on May 8. Family sources said the actress passed away around 6.30 p.m. at the hospital.
Hailing from Kolhapur, Sulochana made a name for herself as a leading heroine in Marathi films before moving to Bombay cinema where she essayed various shades of motherly roles in Hindi cinema for almost four decades. From Amitabh Bachchan to Dev Anand, she played the role of a mother to several iconic actors. She essayed multiple roles, but will always stay in our hearts as the ‘Maa’ of Bollywood. Actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit expressed their condolences.
Team MissMalini extends their condolences to his family and may his soul rest in peace.