By delivering an entertaining project with The Night Manager, director Sandeep Modi seems to be gaining attention from the industry. Yes, the director appears to have kickstarted his journey in Bollywood with some big associations in the pipeline. In fact, from what I read, director-producer Karan Johar has also added Sandeep to the Dharma family. As per some media reports, KJo has signed Sandeep for two films under the Dharma Productions banner. Let me tell you, Karan is establishing quite a firm footing in the industry by collaborating with some noted directors. Recently, he associated with Vasan Bala and Neeraj Ghaywan too for bankrolling films under his banner.
As per the reports it is being said that this film that Sandeep and Karan have joined hands on is a big-budget action flick. Sandeep has been working on the story for almost two years now. Everything has been locked on paper and the pre-production for this movie is said to start this summer. In fact, the reports also add that the makers are looking at mounting the film on a big scale, and I am very excited to know who will be starring in this one. Well, reports state that a big-star cast is planned for this project and the casting for it will also begin in a few months.
Check Out: The Night Manager Part 2 Review
With these details known about the first project, the second film in discussion is still under wraps. Even though reports suggest that Karan has approved that idea as well with Sandeep, not much is still known about it. On the work front, before The Night Manager, Sandeep Modi had directed Sushmita Sen‘s web-show Aarya, he also co-directed a Marathi film with Swanand Kirkire called Chumbak.
Now that he has joined forces with a maverick like Karan Johar, I am very interested to see what is in store for all of us. Stay tuned!