Arjun Kapoor recently completed 20 films in the industry. Right from Ishaqzaade till Ek Villain Returns the actor has played different characters remarkably. My favorite being Arjun in Two States where he plays a middle class Punjabi boy who falls for a South Indian girl. His journey of convincing both the families was worth watching. In an exclusive conversation with Team Miss Malini, the Lady Killer star speaks to us about his dream role, being a part of ensemble and playing the easiest character till date.
Read the excerpts of the interview here:
On looking back at the journey…
Can anyone be happy when they look back t things? There are certain things you question: what if, do I regret anything, No! I am here because of all the choices that I have made and I made those choices myself. I won’t have it any other way. I think I have learnt a lot, grown a lot. Ten years ago if you would have asked me if I was happy, I would have jumped. My main aim was to get work, I just wanted to make a name for myself in this profession which I love dearly. At the same time, I wanted to be known as my own entity as Arjun Kapoor and not by my father’s or uncle’s name. In these ten years, I have achieved my own identity as Arjun Kapoor. And today, I can dream of being in this profession for many more years.
On his dream role…
It’s difficult to say that because when you do a film you do believe that this is something that excites you at that time. I think it is more about makers for me. Certain filmmaker’s do excite you more because you have grown up admiring or watching the tone of cinema.
On this thoughts about two hero films…
I think being a part of an ensemble is the most exciting part of the big screen experience. When you see faces on the poster, you get excited to know who is playing what character. I find it exciting, I have grown up watching films of Subhash Ghai. Akshay sir has done so many two hero films. I did Gunday, Mubarakan, Aurgangzeb, Panipat, Bhoot Police and now, Ek Villain Returns. I have never shied away from it. When there is a multi-starrer, I think that should never be done away with. I feel there’s tremendous value to it. I think we as actors only gain by collaborating together. The audience loves it when we sit on a show and chat together or if we are at an event. So the audience does get curious and excited with combinations of people coming together to tell a story.
On noticing an evident change in his craft…
With every film you try to add on to what you have learnt in the past. The biggest change that I have seen from Ishaqzaade till today is when I read a scene now I try and understand what the scene is about v/s just trying to learn the lines. The intent of why this scene exists. What is the motivation of the character? That growth has come from being comfortable in reading the script. Today when I read a scene I can interpret it far better.
On playing the easiest character…
Surprisingly, I played the role in Ki & Ka like I was me. It was strange and R. Balki never put any pressure on me to think any differently. He just used me and my sensitive side of my emotions, perhaps my feminine side to his advantage. I felt at ease being Kabir.
Watch the interview here:
Arjun will next be seen in Lady Killer along with Bhumi Pednekar. Interesting, it will be their first film together.