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5 Natural Remedies For PMS

5 Natural Remedies For PMS

Suruchi Patwary

PMS symptoms affect more than 90 percent of menstruating women. The rise and fall of hormones cause women to experience PMS and the effects of it include a lot more than just emotional imbalance. It causes changes in appetite, depression, bloating (especially in the abdomen), anxiety, fatigue, and breast tenderness. This usually happens a week or two before the menstrual period. While it may be frustrating to deal with PMS every month, there are a handful of natural remedies that can help tone it down. Scroll below to check them out.

1. Workout

Woman doing no-equipment online workout by Khosro | www.shutterstock.com
Woman doing no-equipment online workout by Khosro | www.shutterstock.com

Including a regular exercise/workout routine can help you deal with the PMS symptoms better. Endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine help boost mood, energy, and a night of good sleep. And these chemicals are released by the body after jogging, cycling, swimming, or even brisk walking.

2. Therapies

Aromatherapy By Rido | www.shutterstock.com

There are a few different kinds of therapies that help in reducing the PMS symptoms. Acupuncture, massage therapy, and aromatherapy are a few that are sometimes suggested.

3. Calcium

Calcium Supplements By GracePhotos } www.shutterstock.com

The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology published a study on calcium supplements’ effect on PMS symptoms and it showed some great results. The study included the participants taking either calcium or placebo for three months. And those who took calcium showed a 48 percent decrease in their PMS symptoms.

4. Stress Management

Meditation By Luna Vandoorne | www.shutterstock.com

If you tend to experience stress while PMSing, it’s important to focus on better stress management. Breathing exercises, yoga, and even meditation help with relaxation and reducing stress. Make sure to take out some time to relax, understand your emotions, and cater to them.

5. Diet

Avoid Coffee By Andrey_Popov | www.shutterstock.com

You are what you eat! Especially during PMS, one should be extra careful about what they are eating. Sugar and carbohydrate consumption should be limited at such times. Many believe reducing sodium intake also helps with PMS symptoms. Avoiding caffeine is also known to help as it causes insomnia and even irritability. Pro tip: You could try Sirona‘s PMS gummies to help alleviate PMS symptoms.

It is best to consult your doctor in order to help deal with PMS symptoms better. And as always, making a few healthy lifestyle changes goes a long way!

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