Singer Millind Gaba who was seen in Bigg Boss OTT is set to tie the knot with long-time girlfriend Pria Beniwal. Pria is an influencer and the couple has been in a relationship for four years now. Ahead of the big-fat wedding that is set to take place in the coming week, Millind exclusively spoke to us about his plans and much more.
Talking about how he dreamt his wedding to be, Gaba said,
“The weddings that I perform for, are larger-than-life, they are big-fat weddings. I had always dreamt that it should be a grand affair. It should have everyone who has been a part of my journey – those who’ve seen me as a child to now when I’ve achieved something in the industry. My parents should be proud of me.”
The engagement ceremony is on the 11th of April, 13th is the cocktail party while the wedding will take place on 16th. The wedding has been delayed for a while, but Millind says it’s worth the wait. He is also slightly nervous though.
Millind added,
“It’s been 4 years since we are together and in 2020 we felt, let’s get married. We got our roka done in 2020 and we wanted to get married that time itself but the pandemic striked. Then Bigg Boss happened for me. Now finally we are getting married. But it’s worth it! I think it’s a big chapter of my life. Our relationship is such that we are partners in crime, we have fun, we make fun of people. We didn’t realise how these four years just passed by. So, the wedding is just a formality after being together for so long.”
Interestingly, Millind has a big surprise planned for his wife-to-be and he is going to perform at his wedding.
The singer revealed,
“I love performing. I will dance and sing at my wedding. I’ve been practicing since I’m a bad dancer but it’s going to be a gala night. And yes, there is a surprise for her but I won’t reveal it right now. I’m trying really hard to keep the details inside my stomach but it’s a big and emotional surprise and I would want to wait for the D-day to reveal it.”
On the work front too, Millind is extremely happy as he’s wrapped up a lot of work before he got on to the wedding preps!
Millind said,
“I knew I would be busy during my wedding days so I finished all the work earlier itself. I’ve shot a video with Yo Yo Honey Singh. I just love him and things are going to be different after this song. People were missing the typical, old-school Yo Yo Honey Singh and they will be happy with this song. There’s also a romantic song coming up. I’m totally happy from the career point of view, it’s just on the rise. Every day I’m getting more and more love so I’m only happy.”
That’s some amazing news apart from the marital bliss. Here’s wishing the couple congratulations and all the very best. I’m so looking forward to their wedding festivities and the big surprise which is going to be unveiled.