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9 Easy Tactics To Beat The Holiday Hangover

9 Easy Tactics To Beat The Holiday Hangover

Nelly Wadia

Needless to say that a lot of us tend to go a little overboard during the holiday’s, whether that means a third helping to Christmas dinner, sweets or one too many drinks while bringing in the New Year with friends. When it’s the latter you’re about to bring in the New Year nursing one wicked hangover. Now you might think that you should take another swig of that drink to cure your headache; you know the whole fight fire with fire doesn’t work in this situation. In fact, it will most likely backfire so try one of the solutions mentioned below to smooth over your transition into 2022.


Here are a few easy tactics you could use to beat a holiday hangover:

1) Sleep

If you’re among the lucky few who can sleep through a hangover I recommend you do it. This allows the muscles to relax and eventually you’ll wake up more fresh than you were when you went to bed but still reeking of alcohol.


2) Shower

Pop into to the shower to get going. Try a warm shower to relax the body or a cold one to get your adrenaline going, although I’m not sure how practical that would be to do in the winter. So, proceed with a cold shower at your own risk. Wash your face and definitely brush your teeth for that added hit of freshness.


3) Dig Into Carbs

Try not to get anything too heavy, a rice and curry is definitely something to avoid. Opt for something like pizza, croissant or some totast. This can help bring your blood sugar level up giving you a small but necessary boost in energy.


4) Take A Walk

Get some fresh air by taking a short walk around your area. A good time for this is closer to evening because the harsh sunlight is probably going to add to your headache. But if you must step out in the day try to take your sunnies or a hat along with you. Make sure your water bottles tags along too.


5) Water

The secret to not having the worst hangover is water. Make sure to drink a small glass of water between drinks, this will help you the next day for sure. Understandbly this might be hard to do and if you’re not going to follow through make sure you rehydrate the following day because alcohol is a diuretic and causes the body to dehydrate.


6) Coffee

Do not overdo the coffee but if you need it to begin your day make sure you couple it with a glass of water. Because just like alcohol, coffee is a diuretic and will leave you feeling dehydrated. One good cup with give you the boost you need to feel mentally alert.


7) Eat A Salad

Avoid any salad with a mayonnaise dressing. Keep it simple and opt for something light with tomatoes or any veggie that is rich in Vitamin C as it can help fight away the worst hangover sensations.


8) Seltzer

A seltzer is perfect to combat your hangover since it has sodium bicarb, an ingredient known to settle the acid in the tummy and relive you of any pain and exhaustion you might be experiencing from the hangover.


9) Medication

Try to steer clear of meds unless absolutely necessary and can’t take the headache anymore. Please also always check with your doctor before taking any over the counter medication especially when mixing it with alcohol as it will very much still be in your blood stream the next day. Alternatively, you could take a Vitamin C pill as it helps your body produce what it needs to fight off the toxins from a hangover.


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