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10 Things You Don’t Need To Buy For Your New-born

10 Things You Don’t Need To Buy For Your New-born

Barkha Chawla

First things first, Congratulations, you are pregnant! Expect to be bombarded with lots of advice and recommendations, mostly comes from a good place – it might confuse you and sometimes even overwhelm you with all the available options.

You want what’s the best for your baby, and naturally, you’ll be feeling a little pressured to buy a lot of baby stuff. I’m sure you’ll navigate your way and find this article helpful when you start putting together things for your little one. Here I’ve compiled a list of items that you might want but are definitely not necessary to buy. Every family is different so the needs of every family are different, do what you feel is the best for you, your family, and your baby. I hope this article helps you decide on things that you want!

A Changing Station

You will not always change your baby’s diaper in a particular place and a dry-mat works just as good when you’re changing your little bubba. We got a water-absorbent mat and put it under my girl whenever she needed a diaper change. Sometimes, she’d be in her dadi’s room or sometimes in the living room, all we had to do is get the dry-mat and place it under her while changing. An extra piece of furniture- like the changing station will need extra space – so we decided to be flexible and not get one. Once the baby is 6 months old and is mobile – it’ll be even more difficult to bring them back to the changing station every time they need a diaper change. For nighttime, you can keep extra diapers, changing mat, and the diaper cream on your bedside table.


A 1000 Onesies

When we’re checking out the clothes aisle at a store – we always get tempted to get more clothes for our little ones – but keep in mind that newborns are growing quickly and will very fast outgrow all the clothes that you get them. Keep a check on how many new clothes are you getting for your little baby. When my daughter was born, she wore the newborn size only for a week or so and moved to the bigger size. I have so many clothes from that time that are worn once or are completely unworn.


Pram Shoes

Even before I delivered my girl, I had so lovingly purchased so many shoes for her. We always forgot to put them on because babies don’t walk so there is no need for them to wear shoes! Shoes for infants are just decorative ornaments and not much else.



For at least a couple of months, your baby will not be interested in toys. All they do until they turn 3 months is, feed and sleep. I noticed my daughter was more interested in the daily items more than the toys that we got for her. She would like to hold her hairbrush more than the rattles that we got.

Once your baby is a little older they might like toys but even then you need too many. It is advisable to spend time with your baby talking to them and interacting with them more than getting them expensive toys.


Feeding Bottles, Breast Pumps, Etc.

If you choose to breastfeed your baby you don’t necessarily need all the fancy equipment unless you are working and can’t tend to the baby when they’re hungry. You can even buy all these things after your delivery if you feel the need.


A Stroller

I know so many parents who just carry their infants or even use baby carriers which are the best until the baby turns 1. My girl never really enjoyed the pram and would fuss a lot when we tried to put her in, and she would sleep like an angel in the ring-sling I had.


A Baby Bath Seat

You don’t need a special seat to give your baby a bath. Your basin or the kitchen sink will work just perfectly. Once my daughter got a little older, we used a regular tub to give her a bath and she really enjoyed it.


A Baby Rocker

The infant market is filled with options for vibrating, rocking, bouncing chairs/seats for the newborns. This kind of device is not the best for their spine and kids don’t enjoy the vibrating setting on these seats. My daughter really did enjoy the baby gym and that would keep her occupied for a while.


A Pacifier

Pacifiers have very divided opinions from mums and the ones who are using it or have used it in the past swear by it and the other half can’t even think of getting one near their child. My advice here would be, if you want to use it – get one and see if your baby accepts it, mine never did. If she would’ve taken it, I might have considered giving it to her just for nights after she turned 6 months.


A Baby Monitor

Baby monitors are not necessary especially during the newborn phase. The babies are loud when they cry and it will definitely attract your attention when required. It is also recommended that at least for the first 6 months, the baby shares the same room as parents if not the bed. This eliminates the use of a monitor at night time.


Hope this list helps you choose exactly what you want and avoid things that you don’t really need.

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