A famous chef and author, Julia Child once said that ‘no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing’. Kabita Singh seems to have followed this as she left her job to nurture her cooking skills full-time. In 2014, when her son started going to school, Kabita decided to utilize her free time by starting her own YouTube channel and giving her passion for cooking a name that we now know as ‘Kabita’s Kitchen’. Today she has a massive subscriber count of 11.1 million and is one of the few people to have received a Diamond Play Button by YouTube in India. Read on to know more about Kabita’s journey as a creator.
About Kabita Singh
Kabita has always had a passion for cooking, ever since her childhood. Professionally she used to work as a Banker and moved to the UK post getting married to Manish Singh in 2009. It was in the UK when she started watching YouTube videos for recipes. In 2014, she shifted back to India, and little did she know, she decided to start her own YouTube channel and follow her passion. She named her channel ‘Kabita’s Kitchen’ which is now among the fastest-growing channels and is also one of the first few channels to cross the 1 million subscribers.

All about Kabita’s content
Even though Kabita started her channel for people who don’t know much about cooking, today her content has evolved as she also keeps up with the trends and demands of her subscribers. She makes recipes for people of all ages and expertise and does not limit herself. Kabita makes sure to engage with her viewers. Today, she is also exploring and making content on YouTube shorts. From kitchen shenanigans, cooking tips, to visually appealing recipes she is leaving no stone unturned. Keeping her production quality simple and easy for the viewers to understand and replicate. Well, we have tried almost all her drool-worthy recipes, what about you? If you still haven’t watched her delicious cooking videos then you should click here and check them out.

Here’s what Kabita Singh has to say about her content,
Primary aim to start YouTube channel was to follow my passion. When I started, I gave some thought to what type of recipe I should create. When I was in the UK, I had watched many recipes, in doing so I had identified a niche within the food category on YouTube in which I can post videos. The idea was to make recipe videos that show every minor detail of cooking and at the same time can be cooked with the ingredients which are easily available at the home/grocery store next door. The motto of the channel is that recipes should be so simple that viewers should believe that ‘everyone can cook’.

Considering this, production quality and setup is intentionally kept at a level which is relatable to viewers. When I started this channel, my primary focus was to create recipes for the audiences who don’t know much about cooking (hostelers, young working professionals, newly-weds, people staying away from home/homeland). As I went along, content evolved keeping in mind trends and demand of viewers, now the channel has recipes for everyone(people of all ages and all cooking expertise levels). Also, to keep up with time, I have upgraded my production quality. I primarily focus on Indian cuisine, I also make some recipes that are Indian adoption of international cuisines. I also create videos on YouTube shorts primarily to showcase kitchen and cooking tips and occasionally a shorter version of visually appealing recipes.
We absolutely love how Kabita decided to follow her passion and become one of the leading recipe channels in India. We can’t wait for her to reach newer heights and achieve many more milestones on the way. On a side note, we hope that everyone is taking care of all the precautions while stepping out.