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Here’s What You Need To Know When Starting A Business In Your 20’s

Here’s What You Need To Know When Starting A Business In Your 20’s

Pooja Maheshwary
Confident Girl Boss (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)
Confident Girl Boss (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business, is no easy feat. At the same time, we’re living in an age with endless possibilities. We are exposed to multiple platforms and avenues that can expedite our dreams and encourage us to aim for more.

And, if you’re a 20-something-year-old who has been itching to be their own boss, there are few things you need to know before you kick off your journey. So, we reached out to Natasha Kothari, Founder of Studio UnGap, and asked her to share her expert tips. Read on to know the 3 things she recommends we know before starting a business!

1. Find A Problem To Solve

Natasha says,

To start something of your own, you need to firmly believe that there’s a problem existing and that you can create a system to solve it.

Moreover, Mukesh Ambani once said how it was one of the first lessons he learned in the business.

2. Calculated Courage

Natasha says,

When you venture out of your comfort zone, the rewards are always worth it. At the same time, you want to make sure you’ve done a proper risk analysis so that you’re not blindsided by any obstacle when you start off on your own.

For instance, if you’re bootstrapping, make sure you have enough saved up so you’re okay even if you don’t make any money initially. Make sure to have quantitative goals and a plan to reach them so efficiently that you leave nothing up to chance.

3) Creating A Tribe Is Important

Natasha says,

Ever seen a hero that doesn’t have a sidekick? Well in this case you don’t need a sidekick, what you do need are people who can guide you, mentor you, and give you unbiased opinions. Sometimes we get so wound up in the web of something we have created, that we may not be able to take objective decisions. That’s when having your Tribe can help.

These are just a few insights into what it really is like to start your own business in your 20’s. So, use these as your tools of motivation and go after your dreams!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve heard when it comes to starting a business? Please share it with us in the comments below!

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