The second wave of Covid-19 has hit India in a very bad manner. People across the country have been struggling especially the ones who are affected by the virus. Our frontline workers have been extremely overwhelmed by the second wave of the pandemic. Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma took to Instagram to thank all the frontline workers for their selfless sacrifice and service in times such as these.
Several celebrities have come forward to help with medical aid and have thanked our frontline workers for their service during the pandemic. Anushka Sharma posted a video to thank the healthcare and frontline workers for their dedicated efforts as India battles the second wave of the pandemic.
Check out the video below!
In her video, she wrote “A huge shoutout to all the frontliners working tirelessly day and night putting their lives at risk to save ours. India stands by you.” Anushka and Virat Kohli recently announced a fundraiser #InThisTogether to help people cope with the Covid crisis as well as donated Rs. 2 Crore towards this initiative. It is truly inspiring to see celebrities coming forward and helping one another to fight the common enemy that is Covid-19. Hope you all are keeping well and staying safe. Remember to always wear a mask and take care of elders around you.