2021, the new year that brings with it the promise of a newer (and hopefully safer) world. We have a lot of expectations from 2021 which we desperately need to be met. 2020 really tested our patience and 2021 has to do better. We asked the women of Malini’s Girl Tribe what they yearned for in 2021, and some of the responses we got were unconventional, some were simple but all were quite relatable.
9 Extremely Relatable Things Women Wish For In 2021
1. Mask-Less Life
This is on everyone’s list. We all want to ditch the mask and breathe without a filter. Masks are NOT the accessory we want anymore! While we can technically go mask-free in some places, in 2021 we want to do so without fearing for our lives. Hopefully, this comes true in 2021 (just like Future said, “Mask Off”).

2. A New Job
New year, new me and a new job. 2020 was a blow to our economy. While lots of people found better jobs and even started their own companies, many were out of jobs, stuck in bad ones or got demoted. However, the economy is getting better, industries are getting back their groove and the job market is growing. Wishing for a new job in 2021 is relatable and we do hope it comes true for those who need it.

3. Watching Movies In Theatres
This wish is the most relatable of them all. Being able to enter a crowded theatre and watching movies the way God intended, on a big screen with popcorn and a soda, a random crying child and an old man chatting away on his un-muted mobile phone. 2020 stole this simple pleasure from us and we hope 2021 brings it right back.

4. Going To A Crowded Restaurant
Is it just us or do you also miss (and even crave) waiting outside a crowded restaurant for a table? Eating at a busting restaurant was fun and made us feel good. We hope 2021 allows us to do this again! (And also use physical menus).

5. Some Peace Of Mind
With so much uncertainty, anxiety and stress 2020 gave us, we deserve some peace of mind. Master Shifu said, “Anything is possible when you have inner peace”, and we hope to live by and embody this in 2021.

6. Freedom To Travel
Whether it’s flying to an exotic country or driving to a nearby hill station, travelling was incredible, and we miss it. COVID-19 changed the way we travel. The travel bans, wearing PPE kits and safety gear, a mandatory quarantine and more made travelling stressful. Sure, some people voyaged to Dubai and the Maldives, but many of us have been stuck at home. We hope 2021 makes travelling and vacationing easier, because after the year we’ve had, we need it.

7. More Financial Independence
This should be wished for every single year. Being financially independent is extremely important, no matter who you are or what you do. You should not have to feel judged for buying an un-spillable wine glass on your dad’s credit card. We hope 2021 is good for you and your bank account!

8. Learning To Swim
How we miss swimming pools! With summer coming up soon, we can only pray the swimming pools open and are safe to use. We all want to “Just keep swimmin’” but how do we do it with no pools! 2021, please bring them back.

9. Better Metabolism
If you (just like us and practically every earthling) have stress-eaten your way through 2020, you will relate to this. We hope 2021 boosts our metabolism and helps us shed some of those quaran-kilos, but only if we want it to! All bodies are beautiful and no one should ever tell you otherwise.

We have a lot of wishes for 2021 and the final thing we wish for, is for them to come true.
What is the one thing you are wishing for in 2021? Share it with us in the comments below!
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