2020, the year that changed our lives forever, is finally coming to an end. We got through an entire year of immense stress, uncertainty, unbearable loss and worse. This calls for celebration, whether you’re at home or meeting your friends. However, there are some red flags to stay away from on New Year’s Eve because you don’t want to bring in the year that could potentially cure COVID-19, by getting COVID-19.
5 Things To Not Do This New Year’s Eve:
1. Throw A Large Party
2020 has redefined the word “crowd” to three and above. While meeting in a group of fewer than fifteen people is acceptable to some, a group larger than that is certainly not. Please do not throw (or attend) a large New Year’s Eve bash! It is neither safe nor worth it. You cannot ensure that everyone in attendance has tested negative! Plus, we all know a New Years party will not be socially distant or mask-friendly. So please avoid it at all costs!

2. Break State Curfews
Many Indian states have imposed curfews to curb large crowds on New Year’s Eve and it is in everyone’s best interest to follow them. Pre COVID-19, the roads on New Year’s Eve were full of nakabandis and alert policemen (lots of them). So one can imagine the situation on the roads this year with the looming pandemic and strict curfews. To prevent your car from being seized, a chunk leaving your bank account, a potential arrest and an unpleasant ending to your night, please adhere to curfews.

3. Have A New Year’s Kiss
Please do not have a New Year’s Eve hook-up as it would be highly unsafe. COVID-19 spreads via droplets released from the mouth and that is literally all kissing is. So please don’t do it, unless you are with someone who definitely does not have COVID-19. It could potentially be a kiss of death (this sounds quite extreme, but you get the point).

4. Force People To Drink
While this isn’t pandemic specific (you should never do this anywhere) it is extremely important especially now. Forcing people to drink often involves one giant bottle that goes around the room, lack of hygiene and a lot of unintentional intoxication. When people get drunk, they lose their senses, especially those of social distancing. Drink only if you want to and from your very own glass or bottle.

5. Be Mask-Less, Not Sanitize & Be Socially Close
This is the most basic, yet most important thing to avoid on New Year’s Eve. Unless you are absolutely sure (and have proof) that the people around you are COVID-19 negative, please be safe! Wear a mask, wash your hands, sanitize your surfaces, glasses and plates and maintain social distancing throughout. You can bring in 2021 in a fun way with your friends, but please be safe and preferable far away from them.

2020 may be ending, but the pandemic is far from it. So please be safe, masked up and socially distant this New Year’s Eve!
How are you celebrating this year? Let us know in the comments below!
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