Alternative medical systems are practices that developed separately from conventional medicine. Often, we have conversations on Malini’s Girl Tribe related to alternative healing practices. So, we invited Dr. Manoj Kutteri to host an Ask Me Anything session for the Tribe on improving immunity. Dr Manoj is an Ayurveda and Naturopathy Practitioner and the Wellness Director of Atmantan Wellness Centre. Read on to know his recommendations to aid digestion, skincare and more using ayurvedic and naturopathic practices.
Disclaimer: The suggestions and statements made are only recommendations and in no way prescriptive. Please use your discretion and discernment.
Q. How can I improve digestion?Our gut and digestive system are crucial in defining our immunity and health. The functions of such can be improved by adopting a positive lifestyle. The following factors are needed to improve digestion:
- Hydration. Three litres a day minimum. This can vary depending on other medical conditions
- Mindful eating and eating small portions during meals
- Five servings of multi-coloured fruits and vegetables to avail enough fibre and anti-oxidants
- Essential homemade probiotics such as kefir, yoghurt, and pickled veggies
- Quality sleep for seven to eight hours
- 45 minutes of some form of cardio workout
- Two major meals per day of macros. Fruits, smoothies and snacks at other times
- One or two days of intermittent fasting per week
Q. Does popping vitamins and applying anti-ageing creams help?
These only help to some extent. Skin being one of the biggest organs in the body, it needs to be maintained with a healthy lifestyle. There are so many factors influencing the skin functions and texture. Gut health and respiratory efficiency are important. Hydration is also crucial. Besides this, anti-oxidant vitamins will help you reduce the free-radical damage. Always ensure you have an adequate intake of essential fatty acids including Omega 3. Do 20 minutes of sun bathing a day, and use natural exfoliants to promote skin complexion and prevent sagginess.
Q. Is taking too much of steam harmful?
Steam inhalation with boiled water (low impact) can be taken once a day. However continuous exposure of our skin to steam will be bad for the skin. When you start feeling profuse sweating, you may discontinue teh steam; this would be a period of 5 to 10 minutes for the face and 10 to 15 minutes for the body. During the acute conditions of rhinitis, steam can be repeated even 2 to 3 times a day.
Q. Could you recommend something for diabetes?
Fenugreek powder will help to reduce sugar levels. However, it is only a symptomatic remedy to manage blood sugar. Diabetes will have to be treated at the root level by reversing the insulin resistance in the body. This is done by following a low-carb-diabetes-friendly diet that is low on glycemic index, drawing the main source of energy from fat-derived sources and a moderate amount of proteins. Cinnamon is again a great anti-oxidant and works in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It can be taken as a tea or even with soups and salads. Honey consumption might increase sugar levels if diabetes is a major concern. Asthma and diabetes both being lifestyle-related disorders, can be treated with a positive lifestyle correction.
Q. How can we improve eyesight?
For better eyesight, consume Omega 3 regularly. Eat carrots, beets and green leafy veggies regularly. Triphalati ghritam can also be used. But as a routine practice trataka eye exercises and concentration techniques; they’re a great help. Also, take breaks from screen time every 20 minutes and look in the distance. Hydrate your body sufficiently and use natural eye cleansers. You can do an eyewash with triphala boiled water regularly.
Q. Is it safe to have paneer regularly?
Paneer is a safe to consume for your protein requirement. However, it may not be advised in certain cases such as asthma, milk allergies, certain skin problems, etc. This can be assessed by doing a detailed investigation and understanding the blood markers. As long as you don’t have an allergy to milk and milk products and if you are not suffering from these diseases related to the respiratory system, it is safe to have it. However, please note that it must be freshly made.
Q. I’ve been drinking soaked giloy water for 10 days. How long can I consume it?
Giloy can be used once a day regularly. it is an immune-enhancing herb. But please ensure you are using authentic products.
Do you follow any ayurvedic or naturopathic practices? Please share your experience with us in the comments below!
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