Disclaimer: Bipolar Mood Disorder is a serious psychiatric illness. If you suspect yourself or your loved one to be suffering from it, seek help from a mental health professional at the earliest.
As each year passes, the world becomes more aware and understanding of the kind of mental illnesses that exist. Through movies, a lot of people got to know about Bipolar Mood Disorder. And although the exact cause of it is unknown, a mix of environment, genetics, chemistry and altered brain structure could play a role. The treatment for Bipolar Mood Disorder is usually lifelong and consists of a mix of psychotherapy and medications.

We spoke to Psychologist Anagha Bhave, to know about the signs that tell you’re living with a bipolar disorder. Many times, to grasp that a family member or a loved one is suffering from a mental illness can be difficult. And so, here are a few signs that one can look out for and seek professional help.
1. Bipolar Has Two Parts
The two parts are—Mania and Depression. Mania is more than just a very good mood and excitability. Typically a person with bipolar mood disorder stays in the mania for at least one week. Mania includes things like not needing sleep and being very excitable. Feeling like they’re invincible (can be bordering on delusional at times). Living dangerously for that time period like having too much alcohol/drugs, spending excessively, driving rashly, etc.
2. Shuttles Between Mania & Depressed Mood
Another sign to know if your partner is suffering from bipolar mood disorder is if they shuttle between mania and depression moods. The signs for it may include loss of appetite, hopelessness, and losing interest in things they used to like before.

3. Mania & Hypomania
Generally, mania is often extreme and stark and you can’t miss it. But hypomania is a ‘softer’ mania where they may feel super productive and happy minus the dangerous and risky behaviours.
4. Look Out For Mood Changes
So, most people believe that when someone is suffering from Bipolar Mood Disorder, their mood states change from moment to moment. A lot of movies have also depicted the disorder in a similar manner. But that’s not how it is in reality. You have to essentially look out for mood changes and the person has to be in a certain mood state persistently for it to be bipolar.

5. No Real Reason
Every time someone gets upset or acts in a way that they don’t usually, it doesn’t directly mean they have Bipolar. Infact, a person suffering from bipolar often has no real reason for their mood states. Which is why it needs immediate medical attention from a professional psychiatrist.
6. Uncharastertic Behaviour
Either the person has had this problem for a while or it may have recently started, but it is just very uncharacteristic of them to have such mood changes. There is no explanation or justification as to why the person is experiencing such major mood shifts for prolonged periods of time.

7. Difficult To Manage
Every person goes through highs and lows in life. And when it comes to our family and loved ones, we make sure we’re supporting each other to get through the rough times. But with a bipolar mood disorder, it is difficult for others to manage the person’s moods.
8. Difficult To Predict
It’s one thing to not be able to manage the person’s mood, but when it comes to bipolar mood disorder, it becomes difficult to even predict their moods. Their mood state may start with minimal or no cue at all.

The year has been difficult enough for all of us to deal with, so let’s all just be kind to each other and make things a tad bit easier. We never know where the other person is coming from and what they have gone through or are going through.
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