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10 Life Lessons By Ranveer Allahbadia A.K.A BeerBiceps We All Could Learn From

10 Life Lessons By Ranveer Allahbadia A.K.A BeerBiceps We All Could Learn From

Khushi Chandani

Every single day of our lives, each of us learn a little bit and grow. Every day we strive to become better versions of ourselves than before. Self-improvement and self-growth are an integral part of life and cannot be ignored. In our initial years, most of our learnings come from schools and other institutions. Slowly we realize that for the rest of our lives, we have our own experiences to learn from. Ranveer Allahbadia a.k.a BeerBiceps is a widely known and much-loved influencer who describes himself as a ‘Self-Improvement Content Creator’. As a fitness enthusiast, Ranveer believes that physical and mental health is of utmost importance and that one must never stop learning. Over the past few months, he has been kind enough to share lessons from his experiences through the years and all that he has learned from them.

Here are a few life lessons worth remembering by BeerBiceps

1. The truth about adult life

When it comes to “adulting”, Ranveer has some extremely relevant tips to keep in mind. He emphasizes that these things are not necessarily taught at school, and you have to take it upon yourself to uphold certain things in your life. Education is not always a means to a career, rather it teaches you how to learn. He talks about how failures are just a means to grow further. Being ethical and honest is more important than anything else and knowing where you stand financially, whilst being financially independent is a must. Money is important to sustain a comfortable life but making it the priority of your life can be very dangerous. Always remember to prioritize your mind and body over the material things.

2. The reality of love and sex

When it comes to the subject of love and sex, pressures from peers and society can lead you to do things you may not necessarily be 100% sure about. Starting from the teenage years, especially through what we see in movies and read in books, expectations begin to rise. It is easy to get bogged down by all of this and it takes immense strength to do what is right for yourself. It is important to always take your time with whatever you do and put yourself first. Understanding that you cannot meet generalized expectations is important because everyone is simply unique. You have to first know who you are and love yourself for it before you decide to share your life and space with someone else. At a young age, it is significant to learn to listen to your gut about what feels right and what doesn’t and to remember that nothing is the end of the world. There is always something else out there for you.

3. Money management

While money cannot be your biggest priority to lead a happy life, the importance of it is undeniable. Money is not just about learning, but about spending too. Keeping your spending habits in check, saving, investing, and simply being responsible with your hard-earned money is a no-brainer. Ranveer has given some amazing tips on how to make your money grow, the right assets to invest in, and a basic understanding of how to manage your money.

4. Ways to exercise your brain

It is often said that our mind is our greatest asset. There is a lot of truth to this. In this particular post, Ranveer focuses on Twitter, as a platform for people to voice real opinions. He says, “Your Twitter is a reflection of your own internal thoughts, beliefs, and goals”. He deems it to be the ideal social media platform with the most substance. Ranveer highlights the importance of dividing your work and not getting overwhelmed by its volume, and of remembering to reflect on yourself and your work. This is the only way to learn and grow. Consciously learning a new skill every now and then, knowing that you will always have something to learn from everyone around you is critical. He adds, that podcasts are a great way of learning from other people’s experiences. Do check out his podcast, ‘The Ranveer Show‘, on YouTube.

5. Things that make a man attractive

To all the men out there, looking to impress the cute girl around the block, here is what you have to keep in mind! Ranveer has listed 10 things that every man must keep in mind to become more attractive. This starts with who you are as a person first. How you treat others, how comfortable you are in your own skin, how driven you are, your priorities, all come together to build your character. Charm isn’t something you have to be born with. You inherently become more charming when you are able to give your time to the person or situation you have decided to, without any distractions. Having an etiquette and mannerism goes without saying. Being independent and having substance as a human being is just as important. The basic skills to cook for yourself goes a long way in coming across as a wonderful man!

6. Tips to be effortlessly charming

Talking about chivalry and charisma, Ranveer presented 4 basic ways to be charming. This applies to everyone out there who likes to make a good impression and maintain healthy relationships. Showing respect through your body language, your words, your vibe, and through paying attention, goes a long way in being charming. It allows the person you are communicating with, to feel important and heard. Physical aids such as cleanliness and neatness and an open body language definitely help in making the other person comfortable while communicating with you. And lastly, while conversing with another person, remember to be positive and always open to new ideas and views!

7. Lifestyle changes that will increase happiness

One thing that each of us is always in pursuit of is happiness. We search for happiness in our relationships, in our work, everything. But what we often forget is that happiness comes from within us. Taking care of yourself, getting sufficient sleep, having peace of mind, consuming Satvic food, thinking positive thoughts can all help in maintaining and achieving happiness. Surrounding yourself with people who are not toxic, engaging in physical exercise, and meditating are a few other tips for your overall wellness.

8. Ways to build a good personality

Building a good personality will help you attract the right kind of crowd and maintain healthy relationships. Understanding who you are, your insecurities, your views of the world, and your childhood will help you work on yourself. One of the most important tips here is to get rid of people that bring nothing but negativity in your life. Surrounding yourself with people who understand you and will help you grow into a better and more successful person, are the only ones you want to be around. Even on social media, which is essentially a pool of negativity, try to follow pages that you truly connect with and can learn from. Most importantly, learn something every day and grow every day.

9. Lessons about love

This set of lessons talks about love and the importance of giving yourself to a person while remaining true to yourself. Being able to stand on your own feet without depending on anybody else is extremely important. It can only be a relationship between two equals who respect and love each other as they are. Loving yourself and being comfortable with who you are is the only thing that will help you fully and truly love someone else. One thing that can never be forgotten, is that communication is the key to a good, long-lasting relationship.

10. All you need to know about getting fit

Especially during the lockdown, everyone has become more mindful about working out at home and getting into shape. However, there are many myths going around on the internet about losing weight, setting unrealistic goals, and expectations. Ranveer greatly emphasizes that your weight loss journey depends on the food you consume, and the magic of intermittent fasting. It’s just as important to treat yourself once in a while for the good job you’re doing!

These were some amazing lessons that will help us grow internally and make us happier and healthier in general. These are learnings from real experiences in Ranveer’s life, giving it a certain authenticity to it. Remember that it is possible to apply these lessons in your daily life, and the results will be worth it.

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