A relationship is a journey between two people. It is easy to get into, but it is beyond difficult to get out of. Ending a serious relationship is a choice made by the two individuals who decide that the relationship is bringing them more pain than happiness. However, the pain of breaking up itself, the thought of losing your best friend, is often even more painful. Ankush Bahuguna, an actor and content creator, released his latest project, ‘Almost’ on August 10th, 2020. The short film is just over 6 minutes long and captures a gut-wrenching break up over video call in times of the lockdown. Almost features Ankush Bahuguna and Shibani Bedi and is written and directed by Ankush himself.
More About Almost
Shot in 11 minutes, the film beautifully shows how one little conversation can change things forever. It showcases Ankush’s take on breakups. Their acting skills are intense and will have you sobbing by the end. Our personal favourite scene had to be the last. We do not wanna elaborate much on it or it might ruin your experience, but we will tell you how it left us. The final scene tugged us at our heartstrings and left us utterly heartbroken. What particularly makes the film unique is that nobody in the relationship comes out as a villain of sorts.
The two seem to share so much love and respect for each other, making it that much harder to watch them end the relationship. Almost is about two people who understand they can’t be together anymore and try their best to deal with it without being hurtful.
When asked about where they channelled such energy from, this is what Ankush had to say,
I channelled it from personal experiences and from my understanding of what breaking up and still rooting for each other is.
Shibani too took from her own reality. She said,
I feel like as people, real life makes us go through a whole range of emotions give its ups and downs. And sometimes a certain empathy with those feelings, while portraying emotions from a certain character’s point of view during a film where one is playing a role, definitely comes in handy.
Here’s what Ankush’s take on the overall experience was,

My overall experience has been extremely satisfactory. In this daily number crunching game of churning out videos after videos to keep your audience engaged, these kinda projects are such a relief because you just get to write, act or direct without worrying about follower count and views. It’s just you creating something that comes straight from the heart.
Shibani Reaction To The Overwhelming Response was,
As skeptical as we were, mostly worried that the audience may not enjoy the shift we were about to present to them from comic to serious content, the response we have gotten for Almost is overwhelming. Not only does it infuse confidence that we should never stop evolving, experimenting and trying new forms of creative expression, but it also motivates content creates like us to never doubt the potential of taking initiative, and following out heart when it comes to putting something out that we feel comes from a passionate and pure place.
The Transition From Comedy To Drama
The first basic question to pop up in the minds of absolutely anyone who has seen the kind of content the two of you usually create is how and why they diverted to drama. it’s rather refreshing to see them venture into this space since Ankush and Shibani are both widely known for their hilarious content. Even though the majority of Ankush’s content is comedic, there is a special place in his heart for acting. With Almost, Ankush managed to create an opportunity for himself to act instead of looking for one. The film required a completely different range of emotions and this excited Shibani. They found it extremely thrilling to surprise the audience by putting out something people don’t expect. The film seems to have struck a chord with so many people as can be seen with all the love Almost is receiving.
The Insane Chemistry Between Ankush and Shibani

The is no doubt that the biggest strength of the film was the chemistry that the two creators shared. The two seem to have an incredible appreciation for each other in reality and manage to bring out the best in one another. They have featured together in videos for approximately four years now and their shared comfort is visible on-screen.
We absolutely loved the short film and cannot wait for more of this kind of work from Ankush and Shibani. Almost will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. You have to check it out on YoutTube!
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