Legendary film producer and director Harish Shah passed away in the early hours of the morning today. He was known for directing yesteryear films like Dhan Daulat, Zalzala, Ab Insaaf Hoga, and many more. He has also produced films like Jaal: The Trap, Raam Tere Kitne Naam, Kaala Sona, and many others. The filmmaker was 76-years-old and passed away in his own home at 6 AM. He had been battling cancer for quite some time and had even made a film on the illness titled Why me? The film had gone on to win a president’s award too. The clear reason for his death is still unknown.
According to his brother Vinod Shah who is also a producer, Harish ji‘s funeral will take place today at Pawan Hans Crematorium at 1 o’clock. Harish ji is the latest talent that we have lost in the year 2020.
Our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones. Rest In Peace, Harish ji.
Bollywood has lost way too many of its gems like Irrfan Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Sushant Singh Rajput, and Saroj Khan just in the span of a few months. The nation is still under shock from all of their deaths and continues to mourn their loss.