A lot of people believe that fruits are not a wise choice for people with diabetes. But it’s a myth that has been debunked multiple times because apart from the sugar content, fruits have a lot of other minerals, vitamins, and fibers in them that are good for you. Consuming fruit in its whole, natural form is better than having it in the form of juice for diabetes patients. And if you’re someone with diabetes who craves sweets or desserts, these fruits will help you satisfy those cravings too! Scroll down to check out the list of fruits you can enjoy, of course, in limited portions.
1. Oranges

One orange is enough to fill up your day’s quota of vitamin C! It also has potassium and folate in it which helps balance blood pressure. Actually, you can go for any other type of citrus fruits as well, like grapefruits too!
2. Peaches

If you didn’t already know, peaches are known to have metabolism-boosting potassium in them. This warm-weather treat can also be included in your diabetes-friendly diet as it is rich in vitamins A and C, and fiber. You can have them on their own, as a smoothie or in iced teas.
3. Kiwi

Who doesn’t love a good bowl of kiwi to snack on? I know I do! And if you feel the same way but are scared it might make your diabetes worse, don’t you worry. Kiwis are full of fiber, vitamin C and potassium and can be added to your diabetes-friendly diet safely.
4. Apples

The saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is actually true! Apples are rich in fiber and Vitamin C and don’t have a lot of carbs and calories in them either. But make sure you don’t peel your apples because the skin has the most nutrition hidden in it and is full of antioxidants!
5. Berries

All types of berries are safe for diabetic people to consume. Since they’re packed with vitamins, antioxidants and fibers, they’re low-GI. You can just munch on a half a cup of fresh berries or add them to a parfait or nonfat yogurt. It can make for a delicious breakfast or dessert!
6. Pears

This fibrous fruit is a great snacking option that’s filled with Vitamin K and fiber! You can enjoy them in your salads; they go especially well with spinach salads. All you need to do is cut a pear into slices and toss them into the salad! So don’t be scared to consume pears if you have diabetes.
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