Actor Divya Chouksey who made her debut in Bollywood in 2016 with ‘Hai Apna Dil Toh Awara’ passed away on Sunday. The actor was battling with cancer for a long time. Her cousin, Soumya Amish Verma took to her Facebook to share the news of her tragic death. Her post read, “I am very sad to share that my cousin Divya Chouksey has passed away due to cancer at a very young age. She did an acting course from London and went on to feature in a couple of films and serials. She also rose to fame as a singer. Today, she left us. I wish God blesses her soul. RIP”.
On July 11, the actor had also shared a heartbreaking note on her Instagram story. The note read—
Words cannot suffice what I want to convey, the more the less, since it’s been months am absconded and bombarded with plethora of messages. It’s time I tell you guys, I am on my death bed. S**t happens. I am strong. Be there another life of non suffering. No questions please. Only god knows how much you mean to me. Bye.
She had taken part in the Miss Universe India pageant, in 2011. Later, Divya also got featured in music videos, TV shows, and a few movies. The actor was also seen in MTV’s Making the Cut 2 and True Life. In 2016, she appeared in a movie titled Hai Apna Dil Toh Awara. She was seen alongside Student of The Year fame Sahil Anand.
May her soul rest in peace.