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Lilly Singh Wished To Be A Part Of ‘The Simpsons’ 6 Years Ago—And It Happened!

Lilly Singh Wished To Be A Part Of ‘The Simpsons’ 6 Years Ago—And It Happened!

Suruchi Patwary

Lilly Singh proves that if you work hard enough, your dreams do come true! Not very long ago, we witnessed her achieve her Late Night Talk Show dream. And she doesn’t plan to slow down anytime soon! Just a few hours ago, she took to her Instagram to announce a secret she had been keeping for 7 long months. Lilly Singh is finally going to be doing a voiceover on The Simpsons tonight!

If you’ve been following Lilly closely, you must be aware of how big a fan she is of The Simpsons. And now that she finally gets to live her dream, we couldn’t be happier for her! She is a true inspiration when it comes to working towards your goal, every single day. And Lilly’s post on Instagram is proof, here’s what it read,

Y’ALL. I. AM. WEAK. 6 years ago, I put The Simpsons on my vision board because that show literally RAISED ME. My first language is “quotes from The Simpsons.” I’m beyond thrilled and grateful and AHHHHH to say I’m doing a voiceover on @thesimpsons tonight! Words cannot express what this means to little Lilly. I’ve kept this secret for 7 months. Swipe right to experience the journey and watch tonight at 8/7c on Fox. THIS ONE IS FOR YOU @humblethepoet ❤️🙏🏽 and if you call me to congratulate me, you’ll have to speak up because I’m wearing a towel. So so soooo grateful.

Isn’t that super cool? All of us at MM are rooting for you, Lilly! Keep achieving your dreams, one at a time, and giving us all the inspiration we need to work harder.

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