Among the increasing number of cases in India, everyone is trying to practice social distancing. But with this new and improved virus not showing symptoms until much later into the incubation period, researchers and medical professionals fear that it might be spreading unmonitored. This is what happened to Kanika Kapoor. She is the first Indian celebrity to have tested positive for Covid-19. The singer who has returned from a trip to London allegedly attended at least 3 gatherings in Lucknow. An FIR was filed against her at the Sarojini Nagar police station for the negligent act of spreading infection of disease dangerous to life. The complaint was made by the Lucknow Chief Medical officer.
A dinner she attended in the presence of various politicians from the parliament and the president’s house has caused quite a scare.
The FIR also suggests that while the singer was screened at the airport and high viral load had been detected, the singer refused to heed the warnings of authorities to be home quarantined when she stepped out for various things across the city.
The UP health minister who was also at the private party that Kanika attended seemed to admit that there was a lapse from their side and he said that he was going to question the airport authorities as to how she got through. The minister has gone into self-isolation as a precautionary measure.
Meanwhile, Kanika claims that she had landed from London in Mumbai on March 9th and then landed in Lucknow on March 11th and she was unaware that she was a carrier as she didn’t have any symptoms until 4 days ago.
Other politicians have also gone into self- isolation. And it has led even the president to cancel all his appointments until further notice.