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8 Feel-Good Movies That Will Lighten Up Your Day Like Nothing Else

8 Feel-Good Movies That Will Lighten Up Your Day Like Nothing Else

Suruchi Patwary

Movie making is an art and it makes you believe something that isn’t the reality. And when a film manages to get the right kind of emotions out of its audience, that is when you know its a great one. While our genre choices might be different, there is one genre that is always a good idea to indulge in—the feel-good movies! No matter how sad, happy or frustrated you’re feeling, these kinds of movies can just make your day. Which is why I thought of cheering y’all up with some of the best feel-good movies I have seen.

Check ’em out:

1. Little Miss Sunshine

A family with some complicated members sets out on a journey to California when their daughter wants to take part in a beauty pageant. But things take a turn when their road trip to California begins.

What I personally loved about this movie is the kind of bond the family shares. And the sweet little girl will make you fall in love with her innocence and charm. A must watch feel-good movie I’d say!

2. I Feel Pretty

A woman struggling with her insecurities and confidence issues falls down and hits her head while working out. She wakes up from the injury believing she is the most gorgeous and capable woman in the world. With this feeling, she starts living her life without any fear and with utmost confidence. She goes about her life when she soon starts realising her appearance never really changed.

The message that the movie portrays is to love yourself unconditionally. Self-love is such an important thing we all need to practice in our lives and this movie just hits the right cord.

3. The Holiday

Two girls living in different countries, who are complete strangers to each other, one-day decide to swap their houses for a long staycation. They are basically going through problems regarding their relationship and are looking for a break. But their lives change when they meet two local guys and hit it off with them.

What I took from this movie is how the universe works its magic when you feel like giving up. So, no matter what is going on with your relationships, professional life or anything else, just hang in their and happiness will come to you. It also reminded me about how when some things don’t work out, it’s for the better. You find someone who loves you for you, not for their idea of you.

4. The Intouchables

This one is a beautiful and critically acclaimed movie. It is based on the real story of a paralysed French nobleman who hires a street smart immigrant as his caretaker. Their journey together is just so much fun and heart-warming to watch!

The one thing that really hit me hard is how sometimes we tend to generalise people around us, thus losing the chance to actually know them. It is only when you take those leaps that you discover something magical, which will forever be etched in your box of happy memories.

5. As Good As It Gets

An old, grumpy and bigoted man hates his gay neighbour’s dog. When the neighbour is once brutally attacked, the old man is forced to take care of his pet dog. As time goes by, he starts becoming extremely attached to the dog. He also falls in love with a waitress and finally lets out his feelings and emotions.

It is definitely a feel-good movie to me as it shows how some people who may seem like they have shut their emotions off permanently are actually capable of loving generously. All they’re really looking for is a little push!

6. Life Is Beautiful

The Nazi death camps were some of the most disturbing and gruesome places to be trapped in. So, when a Jewish family becomes a victim of it, the father tries protecting his young son from knowing the actual reality of these camps. He then uses humour to create an alternative reality for his son, which is just so sweet yet heart-breaking at the same time.

The father’s character is so strong, it reminds us of how fathers can go to extreme levels just to shield their children. You’ll be thankful to your family after watching this movie, guaranteed.

7. The Terminal

A man is stranded at the JFK airport when war erupts in his country. He is then forced to take refuge at the airport for months until his true identity can be confirmed. During this difficult period, his innocent personality and aura make the people around fall in love with him.

This movie will remind you to be yourself, irrespective of everything that is surrounding you. Because that is the only way you can win the hearts and just be merry, right?

8. Forrest Gump

A man with a low IQ is bullied throughout his childhood. He then grows up to join the army services but while he is there, he cannot stop thinking about his childhood love Jenny. On the other hand, Jenny‘s life is going through many highs and lows.

Friendship is such a treasured relationship to me, and this movie reminded me of how having a strong bond with someone can really change your life around. A little support and a little love is all that we need when we hit rock bottom, and this is something that this movie has managed to portray beautifully among many other intense emotions.

So, if you’re going through some hard times, these movies can help you feel good about yourself and your surroundings. And if you think everything is going pretty well in your life right now, these movies will remind you to be thankful for everything. Which one of these movies do you plan to watch first? Let us know in the comments below.

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