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7 Things You Could Spend Your Money On Instead Of Firecrackers This Diwali

7 Things You Could Spend Your Money On Instead Of Firecrackers This Diwali

Suruchi Patwary

It’s Diwali, yaay! There’s light, food, happiness, laughter, chit-chat, and good vibes all around. Amidst this beautiful chaos is some disturbance— smoke, injuries and loud noise caused by firecrackers. Now I could go on and on about why firecrackers just need to stop existing or being used, but let’s keep it chill here. So instead, I’ve made a list of things that you could spend your money on instead of firecrackers this Diwali. Trust me, it will be much more satisfying than to watch the crackers burn and leave a trail of smoke for you to choke on!

1. Charity

Charity | www.shutterstock.com
Charity | www.shutterstock.com

It’s the time of celebration, so why not celebrate with the ones who are always left behind? Not everyone is blessed with an easy life. You could instead take homeless people for lunch. Or gift crayons and books to the underprivileged children, and give them a chance to live their childhood the right way. There are endless things you could give to the needy ones. It’s much more satisfying and rewarding than anything else.

2. A Mini Trip With Fam

Looking at the crazy amount of money people spend on firecrackers, it’s safe to say you could instead plan a quick vacay. It will not only allow you to breathe clean, fresh air (healthy, no?) but also give you time to connect and bond with each other.

3. Book A Spa Day

You could do this for yourself or someone you know who badly needs a break! Self-health care is so important and rejuvenating. A spa day could never go wrong and leaves you with zero guilt, for a change!

4. Soundproof A Room

Scared Dog | www.shutterstock.com

It’s a scary time for dogs during Diwali with the crackers bursting everywhere. It affects them to a point where the trauma could stay on months after the incident as well. So if you’re a pet owner, you could very well spend the firecrackers money on soundproofing one room for your fur baby. This year onwards, they won’t have to suffer and be petrified anymore.

5. Buy That One Wishlist Thing

Gift | www.shutterstock.com

We all have had at least one or two irrational things to buy in our wishlist. Now they may or may not cost a lot, but we never bought them just because it didn’t feel right to spend any amount on it. Well, this is the time. Worst case scenario, it won’t turn out as good as you thought. But it’s still better than causing trouble with firecrackers in so many ways!

6. Save For New Year

Champagne | www.shutterstock.com

This does not mean buy firecrackers for New Year okay? You could toast to that expensive champagne you’ve always wanted to taste this new year by saving the firecracker budget. The taste of worth is unforgettable and the cough of stupidity is non-repairable.

7. Surprise Your Helpers

Vegetable Vendor | www.shutterstock.com

You might have people working day and night for you. Your maid, driver, watchman, milkman or the lady who gives you fresh vegetables with free dhaniya always, it’s time you make their day. They are no less than family and should be treated like one on such a special occasion. Get them things you feel would be useful or something they really really like but would never buy for themselves. It’ll strengthen your relationship with them and bring you much closer.

Diwali is not just about loud noise, lights, and celebration. It’s more about spreading love, helping one another and bringing people closer. If we all could just celebrate on Diwali this way, the world would be such a happy place. Give it a thought.

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