Is it that time of the month again when you look up and ask “Why God, why?”. If it is, you’re in for a world of pain. No, literally! A bowl of period pain with a portion of mood swings and a dash of bloating is what those 5 days look like. If you wanna make your period suck less, here are a few things you could consume that’ll help with that horrible pain. Here they are:
1. Water

During your period, your body will tend to hold water because it is afraid it won’t get enough of it. Hence, drinking a lot of water can actually reduce bloating and water retention.
2. Yoghurt

Yoghurt contains vitamin D and calcium that helps in energising the body and the good bacteria in the yoghurt helps in digesting food quicker.
3. Salmon & Tuna

Consuming fatty fish will reduce period pain and ease muscle tension because of the Omega 3 it contains.
4. Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables like spinach contain a lot of water that helps reduce bloating and vegetables like kale contain calcium and iron that the body needs during the period.
5. Dark Chocolate

Cacao is an excellent source of antioxidants and iron and helps in lifting your mood. It is better to consume a small piece of dark chocolate than milk chocolate that contains excess sugar and dairy.
6. Brown Rice

If you’re on your period you might feel lethargic and sluggish. To combat that, eat brown rice that’s a good substitute for white rice or white bread. The magnesium in brown rice will provide energy and help you combat menstrual cramps too.
7. Bananas

Bananas have high levels of potassium that help the muscles relax, regulate blood pressure and help balance mood swings as well.
8. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is known to ease tense muscles and help the mind and nerves relax. Drink this to relieve yourself from menstrual cramps.
Other than this, make sure to watch movies that make you happy, hang out with your crew and listen to your favourite songs during this time.
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