In case you’ve been under a rock or haven’t seen the memes yet, Radhika Apte and Netflix have a thing going on! By that, we mean that no matter the project from Netflix, Radhika Apte will be in it. Just so we’re clear, we actually love the Radhika overdose because she’s a phenomenal actress! While the memes were rampant, Netflix‘s response was Wendy‘s level savage and hilarious. So how did we get till here? Well, she’s been a part of 3 major projects of Netflix India and honestly, we’re not surprised why they keep getting her back. So, let’s take a look at all her projects so far!
Lust Stories
With four different stories and four varied takes on life and sex, Lust Stories was definitely a great start for Netflix India. While mostly everyone had a great performance, Radhika stood out the most to a lot of people. She made her storyline believable with her natural acting and comedic timing. The fact that she broke the fourth wall just added to the humour, complexity and depth of the character. It’s definitely a role that put the spotlight on her for all the right reasons. If you haven’t watched it yet, we do recommend that you do!
Sacred Games
It’s fair to say that Sacred Games basically slammed the door open when it came to original content. Not only did it push the envelope, it set a new bar for upcoming shows, especially in India. Radhika Apte had a vital role in this, which she absolutely slayed. Considering her last role, this was a complete 360. It was far more intense, ambitious and fierce. Playing the role of a RAW agent, she’s constantly faced with hurdles that she has to overcome. There is a certain strength she brings to each frame that makes her hard to miss or forget about! Honestly, her portrayal of this character was proof of how versatile she is as an actor.
Netflix India’s latest creation featuring Radhika Apte was met with mixed reviews. While some people absolutely loved it, others weren’t aboard the hype train. Personally, we love the fact that they once again decided to push the boundaries. The cast was brilliant and Radhika once again proved that she’s apt! No, this time there is no pun intended. Mixed reviews aside, it was a great mini-series and we hope to see a lot more of things like GHOUL.
In a world where memes rule and trolls are waiting for the next victim, Netflix and Radhika Apte come together once again in this Oscar-worthy short. Proving once and for all that all you really need is Radhika and that she is a one-woman army, this short is nothing less than gold. Playing a variety of roles and showing a range beyond anything else, she simply blows the audience away. With the perfect amount of sass, sarcasm and humour (just like this post), Radhika has now registered herself as a force to be reckoned with.

What is your favourite Radhika Apte series/movie? Let us know in the comments below.
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