Raksha Bandhan is the time of year where brothers and sisters get together and celebrate. They celebrate their bond and they also celebrate each other. Every year on this day, the brother swears to protect his sister and then spoils her with goodies. It truly is a special time! That being said, for me, this year is a lot more than just swearing to protect my sister and spoiling her. It’s about a promise. One that I intend on keeping my entire life.
See, I’m the younger brother in this equation. Which basically means I’m the spoilt one who at times, gets to be a complete brat about things. Growing up, my sister has always had my back and has actually shielded me from a lot of what life has thrown my way. I’ve got to say, she’s the one who’s done a lot of protecting and also a lot of spoiling. Even when she’s crazy busy at work, she still picks up the call to hear me rant about inconsequential things. When I need help, she’s the first one there. When I go broke, she’s the one who takes me out for a drink. Well, she does that only so she can lecture me about my bad spending habits. Still, she does it anyway.
By now you’re probably wondering what I’m going on about and if there is any point to this, right? Well, there actually is. See, society has this notion that it’s always the man or the brother that does all the heavy lifting, however, I’m saying that’s not always true. For me, it was my sister who did all that. She protected me, spoilt me and when in need, was my shoulder to cry on. I’ve grown up around women who’ve inspired me beyond words can express and my sister is one of them. Everything she does and everything she says is something I’ve always been proud of and will forever cherish.
So this Raksha Bandhan, I decided to celebrate my sister and our bond. A bond that is equal parts family and equal parts friendship. I promise to always have her back, just like she’s had mine for all these years. Most importantly, I promise to do good by her and always make sure she holds me in the same regard she does now. Through all the crazy fights and all the emotional ups and downs of life, she’s there for me and just knowing that is something that keeps me at peace.
Thank you for being the best elder sister and thank you for showing me how to live my life. You’re an inspiration to me and come what may, no matter the distance, you’ll always be my shero!
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