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Exclusive: Nikhil Dwivedi To Produce A Web Series Based On Mahabharata

Exclusive: Nikhil Dwivedi To Produce A Web Series Based On Mahabharata

Shravan Shah
Nikhil Dwivedi

Digital space is exploring with the kind of content that wouldn’t have been possible some time ago. The Internet has made us witness shows and scripts which are not only touching but manage to blow our minds. While Game Of Thrones and Narcos are globally loved, here in India too we recently witnessed Sacred Games and it put us on the global map as content churners. While many such scripts are coming our way, producer and actor Nikhil Dwivedi is all set to give India a modern-day Mahabharata.

Talking about it, Nikhil said,

Mahabharata was the start of Kalyug what we call it as, today and I am telling a modern take on Mahabharata which is set in 2018. It is set in today’s corporate world and the complexities of Mahabharata, the characters, the warring cousins they’re all going to be there. We have started casting and very soon we should be able to put it into place.

While many have already attempted the saga for television, is Nikhil planning to tweak it and he immediately replies,

We’re going to adapt as much as possible because we will be foolish to change the finest script that is ever written and that is Mahabharata.

Question him why he chose Mahabharata and not Ramayana instead and he explains,

Mahabharat is complex while Ramayan is simple. Mahabharat is far more human and relatable. While Ramayan talks about how ideal a human being should be, Mahabharat shows us today’s picture of how screwed up we are. We don’t live up to the ideals. We are all corrupt. Sometimes we want things which don’t even belong to us but in case they belong to us we would still never relinquish it for a larger cause.

The characters of Mahabharata have provided a platform for a number of filmmakers and we can’t wait to witness Nikhil’s modern version. So excited for this one!